Member Resources & Forms

Lost or Stolen VISA Credit or ATM Card?

Our all-volunteer Board of Directors is elected by the members at the annual membership meetings. They are POLAM members who lend their managerial and financial expertise to guide the direction and mission of our credit union.
POLAM VISA Credit Card
outside U.S. call collect to
outside U.S. call collect to

Useful Forms

Below is a list of forms you can print, complete, and sign, then return to us. These documents require that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view and print the forms. These forms are available for member’s convenience only, and will require phone or in person verification. Digital signatures will not be accepted.
Car Loan Application
Signature Loan Application
Visa Credit Card Application
Change of Address
ATM Fraud Dispute Form
Outgoing Wire
Incoming Wire
Check Stop Payment
Unauthorized Debit
ACH Stop Payment