Loan Rates

Loan Rates Effective February 10, 2025

Higher Deposit Rates, Lower Loan Rates

Because POLAM’s focus is serving member’s financial needs and not making a profit, any profit made after operating expenses is returned to the member in the form of lower loan rates and higher dividend rates. 

Loan TypeAPR (with discount) as low †APR As low as*
up to 36 months4.99%5.24%
up to 48 months4.99%5.24%
up to 60 months5.24%5.49%
up to 72 months5.49%5.74%
up to 84 months6.74%6.99%

*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Lowest rate is the preferred rate with a FICO score of 700 & higher. For example, a 5.49% APR for new vehicles up to 60 months at a monthly payment of approximately $19.10 per $1,000 borrowed. Alternative rates, terms and conditions may apply depending on applicant’s credit qualifications. Rates are subject to change without notice. No multiple discounts may be applied to these rates. All loans subject to credit approval. Offer for a limited time only. Restrictions apply. For more information call (800) 404-5137.

†APR is Annual Percentage Rate. New and used auto loans funded as of February 10, 2025 are eligible for an additional .25% discount on auto loans as long as you have direct deposit to your POLAM FCU account with a minimum direct deposit of $1000 per month. Subject to change at any time. Cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions.

Loan TypeAPR (with discount) as low as†APR As low as*
up to 36 months5.49%5.74%
up to 48 months5.74%5.99%
up to 60 months5.99%6.24%
up to 72 months6.74%6.99%

*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Estimated monthly payment of $19.81 per $1,000 borrowed at 6.99% APR for new vehicles up to 72 months. Alternative rates, terms and conditions may apply depending on applicant’s credit qualifications. Rates are subject to change without notice. Vehicles older than 7 years are subject to additional 1% APR. No multiple discounts may be applied to these rates. All loans subject to credit approval. Restrictions apply. For more information call (800) 404-5137.

†APR is Annual Percentage Rate. New and used auto loans funded as of January 1, 2025, are eligible for an additional .25% discount on auto loans as long as you have direct deposit to your POLAM FCU account with a minimum direct deposit of $1000 per month. Subject to change at any time. Cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions.

Loan TypeTermsAPR As low as*
Personal Loan Up to $25,000up to 60 months15.95%
Savings Certificate Secured Loanup to 60 months2-3% above Share Certificate Rate
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Estimated monthly payment of $33.67 per $1,000 borrowed at 15.95% APR for 36 months. Alternative rates, terms and conditions may apply depending on applicant’s credit qualifications. Rates are subject to change without notice. No additional discounts may be applied to these rates. All loans subject to credit approval. Restrictions apply. For more information call (800) 404-5137.

Loan TypeTermsAPR As low as*
POLAM Visa Card *No Annual Fee*
Click here to view our VISA terms and agreement.
up to $10,0009.98%
POLAM Visa Preferred *No Annual Fee*
Click here to view our VISA terms and agreement.
up to $25,0007.98%


*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Preferred rate is with a FICO score of 720 or above. Alternative rates, terms and conditions may apply depending on applicant’s credit qualifications. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. All loans subject to credit approval. No additional discounts may be applied to these rates. No Annual Fees.

Loan Type 5yr Fixed7yr Fixed
Home Loan above $766K to $1.1 million80% LTVCall Us!Call Us!
Home Loan up to $766K80% LTVCall Us!Call Us!
Home Loan up to $766K90% LTV
First Time Buyer Only
Call Us!Call Us!
Home Equity Line of Credit Up to $360K75% LTVCall Us!Call Us!


Call us for our lowest home loan rates at (800) 404-5137.