Donation Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Thank you for your interest in partnering with POLAM Federal Credit Union. Please complete the form below to have your request considered for funding.

Donation Guidelines

Donations will be made only to organizations, not individuals. Organizations seeking a donation must complete the Donation Request Form below. All applications will be reviewed by the POLAM Federal Credit Union Board of Directors at the regularly scheduled board meeting. Polam is not a foundation and is a not-for-profit financial institution that exists to serve the financial needs of our membership.

To be considered, organizations should meet the following criteria:

  • Organization has 501(c)(3) status, is an accredited educational institution or recognized community support group that positively impacts individuals in our community in line with the Foundation’s areas of focus
  • Organization conducts activities within our field of membership
  • Organization agrees to acknowledge and recognize POLAM FCU as a sponsor in their promotional material
  • Please submit at least sixty (60) days prior to event

POLAM Federal Credit Union will not provide support for:

  • Programs, projects or events that benefit a specific individual
  • Sponsors of or to political or partisan organizations; for-profit organizations
  • A non-profit group’s administrative or operating costs

Organization Information


Organization Contact


About Organization

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I hereby acknowledge that the above statements are true and accurate. I further acknowledge that I will receive no personal economic benefit from this donation, and neither will any member of my family or household.*
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.